“Tigeropolis has leapt on to the shelves at Tales on Moon Lane!” Tales on Moon Lane - Children’s Bookshop of the Year -British Book Awards 2017
“Loved Tigeropolis” Bittu Sahgal, SanctuaryAsia
“What a delightful children's book this proved to be! It is written with an audience of eight to twelve year olds in mind but I have to admit that once I started reading it, I really didn't want to put it down” Splashes into Books
“A really fun way of getting kids to think more about the world around them” Julian Matthews TOFTigers (Travel Operators for Tigers)
“In a world that suddenly seems full of untrustworthy narrators spreading fake news, it is always a joy to come across books that are written from an unusual narrative perspective. Tigeropolis tells this lively and engaging tale of tigers from the tiger’s point of view, allowing the reader to fully empathise with the tiger’s situation and to understand man’s role in it’s creation.

I happily wandered through this charmingly written and illustrated book with great enjoyment. It is great fun, really informative and I am already looking forward to reading the second book in the series.”
Independent Publishers Website
“I'll be recommending it to anyone I know with children age 5-85!” Jonathan Hodrien, Friends of Conservation, Global Tiger Patrol
“An enormous pleasure.” Richard E Grant
“I enjoyed reading Tigeropolis. I really liked Uncle Raj because he had a weird beard and I don’t think tigers are meant to have beards. It made me think about how tigers live and how humans treat tigers. I would tell my friends it is a fun book to read. I would like to read more adventures of Uncle Raj, Bittu, Matti and their mum.” Tamsin, aged 8
“I so much enjoyed Tigeropolis. It was so lively and imaginative. Such fun to read! I shall be giving it to my grand-children for Christmas!” Stanley Johnson – Environmentalist, Politician, Writer
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